Day 31 of 31 Days of Chasing THE Light {Day 303}
Reflecting Light
Well, this 31 days of chasing Him didn’t go quite as I had
planned but I did look and see Him more this month. AND…that was my hope.
I hope that you looked for Him more in your days this month
than before and that it has become a part of who you are now. That when you
start to veer off the road – you see it before old habits can move back in.
I pray that you chase Him because He is always chasing you.
I pray that you look for Him throughout your day and in the
eyes of those speaking to you.
I pray that you are the light for someone else.
I pray that you are less likely to jump and more likely to
I pray that when you feel stress you call out to Him and
I pray that you take the time to breathe slow and remember
that the sound your breath makes – is the name of God.
I pray that you look up and out more and less at your phone.
I pray that we all reflect His light more in this dark
I pray that we pay attention to His messages and whispers.
I pray that if this has done anything for you that it has
brought you closer to Jesus.
Focus more on what matters, remember how you want to wear
your days, and know that His light always leaves a trail. You are never too
lost to come to Him.
“Live in me. Make
your home in me just as I do in you.”
Thank you Michelle!! xxoo