Day 241

Today's reading came from Ecclesiastes - and every single time I think of this book in the Bible I think of Footloose! If you are around my age - you remember the first time this movie came out with Kevin Bacon. He was speaking to his city council about a time for every purpose under heaven...a time to laugh, a time to weep, a time to mourn, and a time to dance. But, my verse came from 11:4 and it got me thinking. "Those who wait for perfect weather will never plant seeds..." I tend to wait too long. He says move and I say - did you really say that? He says, "Be willing to try new things that I lead you to." and I question leaving the comfortableness. My sons devotional last night was for me...another message. "You may look back and wish for the days when things were easier. But those easy times were to train and prepare you for the adventure ahead." Now, I believe that sentenced is more about my daughter but was also for me. There is a purpose for eve...