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Showing posts from February, 2015

Day 58

Move only when He says to move...otherwise stay!  Abandon the fears and the worries - Abide in Him.  Abandon and Abide!  

Day 57

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship." ~Romans 12:1

Day 56

He meets us.  He guides us.  He comforts us in THIS day.  And tomorrow - He will do the same.

Day 55

"Prayer is the  continuation of a conversation. God has spoken to us (His Word) and prayer is our response to God." ~Tim Keller

Day 54

Fan Club - always at her feet

Day 53

Today, we all went sledding.  So. Much. Fun!

Day 52

Reactions Reveal the Heart

Day 51

Schools canceled - this is our morning work. Plant seeds with the hope that God will one day bring a harvest.

Day 50

It's ZERO degrees - I'm on the treadmill and she's in the guest bed.  Too cold for outside! 

Day 49

Break Time =)

Day 48

Tuesday Snow Day - slow day with my people =)

Day 47


Day 46

Day 45

Day 44

Helping out with Jump Rope for Heart

The Battle of Comfort

“Therefore let us move beyond the elementary teachings about Christ and be taken forward to maturity…” Hebrews 6:1 (NIV) I love being comfortable and this verse sounds a little bit uncomfortable to me.  What I read in this scripture is, “let’s take you out of your comfort zone and move into a place of unfamiliarity -something a little less cozy.” I can wake up and get out of my pj’s, into my workout clothes, and then into my yoga pants.  Jeans are dressing up for me.  I love to be comfortable.  So, when it’s time for me to step out into new territory…I get nervous and uncomfortable . I don’t like to be uncomfortable but God likes it.  He likes it when I get uncomfortable because that means I took a step forward.  An opportunity came up and I immediately got excited!  YES…this is what I have wanted for three years now!! I took a step forward and then stopped.  I started to sweat, get nervous, think of all the reasons I should not do it, and immediat