Worry? Proverbs 31 OBS Blog Hop

This week's blog topic from Proverbs 31 OBS is on “Worry”…AND I know a thing or two about worry.  I’m betting a lot of you reading this do as well. 

Dictionary.com defines worry as: to torment oneself with or suffer from disturbing thoughts; fret.

Torment oneself.  Suffer.  Fret.  That’s what I can do to myself sometimes.

I’ve heard that if you worry you don’t really trust that God can handle it.  You don’t trust God with it.  That’s hard to swallow for me.  Because I worry about my kids, my family, me, friends, etc.  But I’m in the Bible every single day.  I am a Jesus girl.  So for me to worry and then see that my worry means I don’t trust that God can handle it is hard.  UGH.


I am getting better about it though.  My time with God every morning is helping.  When I start to worry about something…I begin to pray.  I stop the tormenting in its tracks and give it to Jesus.  Now, I may have to give it to Jesus more than once.  But, that’s ok because it means I’m in constant communication with Jesus.  

Renee Swope says in her book, A Confident Heart, that “Worry only robs rest from you….and that Worry robs us of our confidence that God notices and cares about the details of our lives.” 

God is in control.  God is behind me, in front of me, beside me and has His hand on me in all situations.  He knows.  I have to be the one to choose to remember where He is and what He is doing.  

Our Bible verse for this week is Psalm 139:5 “You go before me and follow me.  You place your hand of blessing on my head.”  Melissa Taylor calls this a “God-Sandwich.”  I love that.  

I recently went on a trip and that is typically when worry and fear start to try and sneak in on me.  I worry about the details of our trip…from leaving, flying, reaching our destination, everything back home, the to do lists, the missing school, and the flying!  Did I mention that?  My father owned a plane when I was little.  We flew.  I used to love to fly!! I have this thing with flying now.


Renee Swope’s acronym comes in handy:

R…Rest from

1 Thessalonians 5:18 says, Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

2 Timothy 1:7 says, “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.
In Philippians chapter 4, Paul gives us a prescription on how God wants us to handle worry.  Chapter 4:6 says, Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Because remember God did not give us a spirit of fear…this comes from the enemy.  The enemy wants to distract us and get us to believe that God can’t handle our problems, our worries, and our fears.  We can fix all of that on our own.  But the truth is…we can’t.  Paul’s prescription is:

1.     Stop worrying

2.    Start praying

3.    Keep thanking God

Thanking God.  We can’t thank God and feel worried at the same time.  When I begin to thank God for the ability to go on vacations with my family…I start to feel a little better.  When I thank Him for the clothes I’m packing, the people watching my house and my dog, the ability to fly instead of drive 15 hours….when I start to thank Him for this I’m not as tense and afraid.  I begin to loosen up.  

I make belt bracelets.  I stamp the Word of God on pieces of metal to help me.  I’m armed with the Word.  I have God’s word on my body and when I start to get tense and worried…I see my bracelet…I stop worrying.  I start praying.  I thank God.   

This prescription: stop worrying…start praying…keep thanking God – is good medicine!  


  1. Such goodness in your words today! You spoke perfectly about worry and its ability to steal away not only rest but our confidence. Your prescription to stop worrying, start praying and keep thanking God is a reminder I needed today after a very restless night. Blessings!

    1. Mary...so thankful that this was what you needed. Hoping for a peaceful sleep for you tonight. Blessings!

  2. Your pictures beautifully accompany your words. Many blessings as you continue to lead others to Him.

    1. Thank you Mindy---you made my heart smile when you said, "...as you continue to lead others to Him." That's what I want!! =)

  3. I, too, am learning to not stress and worry so much over trips and things (having teenagers seemed to do that for me). I didn't think I was a worrier until this chapter. God has shown me I need to rely more on Him. Thank you for sharing!!~ Marlene OBS small group leader

    1. Thank you Marlene! My kids are younger...I can only imagine what the teenage years will be like. I'm betting all be leaning into Jesus every second of the day! =)

  4. Thank you I enjoyed this very much! I love the words you wrote and the photos. Love the bracelet and want to learn how to do that. It minded me of the Old Testament where they wore the scriptures on their head and arm. I also loved your sharing about thanking God when you travel. Now I am going to try this. God bless you sister in Christ! Liz

    1. Liz....I love being armed with the word. These stamped bracelets are becoming a hot thing!! Lots of people are making them. If you want me to make you one...let me know. =) Thank you and God Bless!!!

  5. I really enjoyed reading your blog! Your words were encouraging to me! God Bless you!

  6. This is a wonderful post and such good insight into the message of Chapter 9 of A Confident Heart by Renee Swope. I am glad that our Father has given us people to help us on our journey of faith. I love when I see how my sisters in Christ are enveloping themselves in this "God sandwich"! #WhyWorry - not you!
    Barbara Prince (OBS Small Group Leader/Prayer Warrior Team

    1. Thank you Barbara! I love the God Sandwich!! Staying in it! =)

  7. Wow, I loved your posting today. I can so relate. When I finally realized that my worrying is sending a message to God, that I do not trust Him, that was hard for me too! Thankful that I am learning how to speak over my fears now with God's word. Thank you so much for posting today!

    1. Speak over your fears! Love that Elana!!! And thank you!!!

  8. Michelle ,
    How much do you get for them? And how hard are they to make? And thank you for your offer. I appreciate that. Liz

    1. It varies...I sell them between $20-$30. Some people sell them for $45+ They're custom made...so someone picks the cuff (brown, black, whatever belt material I have at the time) them they pick the metal (sometimes I have to help with that) and finally the quote. People pick song lyrics, favorite sayings. Bible verses, kids names...etc. Words are so powerful so it is something meaningful to that person. It's an art that is for sure and I mess up a lot. But you can find great deals on belts...then you cut them...add the snaps...attach the metal and you're done. Stamping is a bit harder. If you google it there are lots of youtubes showing you how to do metal stamping!! Hope that helps!! :)

  9. Thanks Michelle! I will think on it a bit not sure I can do it at this time with Christmas and all. But thanks for the offer. God bless you ! Liz

    1. If you like to make things look it up...they are fun to make!! :) Merry Christmas!!

  10. Very beautifully said! And your bracelet is such an awesome reminder


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