Day 216

So, Moms (and Dads)– as we get ready to send our babies back to school – let’s look at our habits and the shape of our hearts. Are we ready – soul ready – for what’s to come? Appointments, commitments, homework, after school activities…fill in the blank – it’s going to come at us from so many directions. 

Will we flip out? Will we say things that we probably shouldn’t say? Will we feel weary? Will we feel fear and anxiety? Probably…we will probably feel all of it! But what if we can look at our current habits and see where they may need some tweaking? What habits do we have – right now – that are weighing us down? Can we hand them over. Surrender them? Understand though - that surrender isn't giving up. It's just giving it over. Hand over what is weighing us down so that maybe we can wear a new habit? A new habit that has us running to Him instead of hiding in fear?  

How did Jesus do life?  How did He manage all the things thrown at Him?

How can we see things through His lens – and not our own distorted one?

This week – enjoy a sneak peek of Chase THE Light 2017 – and hopefully, with this sneak peek…we will begin to create new habits before all the demands come at us and try to knock us down. 

Stand firm in His Light and there is no way we can fail.

Today, ask God to reveal the habits that are weighing you down. What are you chasing to fill you?

Grab your Chase THE Light Journal here before we start in October!!!
“Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” ~Galatians 5:25


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