Day 93

"Don't be afraid; just believe." ~Jesus

This morning I noticed how the clouds were moving and how the wind was blowing. I thought to myself, "This is going to be a beautiful day!" As I waited for my dog, I kept watching the clouds and I noticed how one big one did not move and how all the little ones were moving fast around it. All of a sudden I had an answer to my prayer. See, I'm a visual learner and He knows this...obviously. In order to get my attention - He brings me to His creation and causes me to look up.  I wondered where my drive had gone...I wondered where my passion for bringing Him to others had gone. I dared to ask Him, "Did I do this or did you? Did you put out the flame?" Really, Michelle? So, I'm looking up and seeing the one big cloud staying put - and the little ones flying past. This was for me and I believe He said, "Hey Michelle. See this big one not moving - that's Me. See the little ones flying around...that's you. I have never left you and I have never put out the fire in you. You have been moving wildly around Me...pushing Me to the side and pushing your sharing aside because of fear. I'm still standing here waiting for you to come back. Come back, slow down, and allow Me to keep fanning the flame." 

So yeah, that's my Tuesday share. :)


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