Day 1 - 2017

Beginnings! I love a clean slate....a fresh start. Each day is a new day - but there is something about starting a new year. If I let my mind wander too much - I can become anxious about the unknown in what this year brings. But if I stay rooted into His word - hopefully - I will not freak out too much and remember that He always provides everything that I need. He provides.

Happy New Year and embrace the beginning!
"When I was a boy at my father’s knee,
the pride and joy of my mother,
He would sit me down and drill me:
“Take this to heart. Do what I tell you—live!
Sell everything and buy Wisdom! Forage for Understanding!
Don’t forget one word! Don’t deviate an inch!
Never walk away from Wisdom—she guards your life;
love her—she keeps her eye on you.
Above all and before all, do this: Get Wisdom!
Write this at the top of your list: Get Understanding!
Throw your arms around her—believe me, you won’t regret it;
never let her go—she’ll make your life glorious.
She’ll garland your life with grace,
she’ll festoon your days with beauty.” ~Prov. 4:7-9 (Msg)


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