Day 344

I think everyone just wants to feel loved.  If we can listen more and react less...grace can walk in. If we can not hurl our opinions to try and make the other person come to agreement with us...grace can walk in. If we can listen for the "heart drop" when someone is speaking...grace can walk in. If we can let go of the past...grace can walk in. If we can open the door to everyone....grace can walk in. Show someone kindness today and allow grace to walk in to both of your lives. 

"Listen, open your ears, harness your desire to speak, and don’t get worked up into a rage so easily, my brothers and sisters. 20 Human anger is a futile exercise that will never produce God’s kind of justice in this world. 21 So walk out on your corrupt liaison with smut and depraved living, and humbly welcome the word of truth that will blossom like the seed of salvation planted in your souls."
~James 1:19-21 (The Voice)


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