Jesus + Yoga Day 2 (276/365)

Mountain Pose: Standing with feet hip width, belly lifted and shoulders drawn down and back.  Allow your head to reach tall. Palms face out. Feel grounded into the floor. Take this feeling - being rooted down, steady and alert to Jesus. Root down in His word - His truths - His promises for you! Stay alert to the things that try and make you stumble.

Exodus 15:17-18 The Message (MSG)

14-18 When people heard, they were scared;
        Philistines writhed and trembled;
    Yes, even the head men in Edom were shaken,
        and the big bosses in Moab.
    Everybody in Canaan
        panicked and fell faint.
    Dread and terror
        sent them reeling.
    Before your brandished right arm
        they were struck dumb like a stone,
    Until your people crossed over and entered, O God,
        until the people you made crossed over and entered.
    You brought them and planted them
        on the mountain of your heritage,
    The place where you live,
        the place you made,
    Your sanctuary, Master,
        that you established with your own hands.
    Let God rule
        forever, for eternity!


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