Day 257

I've had this little purple treasure box for a few years now. In fact - my kids have one as well (each painted their favorite color). Mine sits on my desk. Unopened. I know it is there but I haven't opened it in a long time. When I've felt less than, lonely, or left out...I don't run to my treasure box for reassurance that I am still loved by God. I sit and let the enemy work me over. I don't run to my Bible - I run to my thoughts...because my feelings speak truth? The whole time He is saying, "There is a Bible to your left and an unopened box to your right. I'm surrounding you in love. My arms are wrapped around you and you are listening to the screams of the world. Listen to my loving whispers. Open my love letter to you." I opened it the other day and inside are gifts that speak to me. Do you have a treasure box?


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