Day 29 of Chasing THE Light Project (211/365)

Welcome to Day 29 of Chasing THE Light Project: I see His Beauty
Today’s verse comes from Psalm 19:1. “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.”
I’m sure you have heard the saying, “If Mamma isn’t happy then nobody is happy!” Yes? Sometimes it’s hard to see the beauty in the day to day activities. Sometimes, it’s hard to see the beauty in the mess of the house. Sometimes, it’s hard to see the beauty when the kids have been fighting all day. Sometimes, it’s hard to see the beauty when you care for an elderly parent every single day. Sometimes, when the stress mounts the beauty is hard to find.
“The power of finding beauty in the humblest things makes home happy and life lovely.” ~Louisa May Alcott
Can we see the beauty in what we may call the ugly?

Can we start with being grateful…grateful for all the toys scattered throughout the house…grateful for all the dirty laundry…grateful for the dirty bathrooms…grateful for the dishes piled high in the sink…grateful for the kids expressing themselves.
When we start to list off our gratitude I truly believe it peels back the layer of onion and we start to smell a more beautiful life.

Choose to see Him – His beauty – in all the mess of your day.


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