Day 2

My word for this year is JOY.  Too many times I've let someone or something steal my joy - can you relate? There is only One person who will never disappoint and He is the only One that can bring us joy. Every time I come to Him - I am planting seeds with the hope and trust that He will bring the harvest. 

Invest in Him and He gives me joy. Invest in Him and He gives me strength. Time spent with Him is never wasted time. He pours into me and I'm able to pour out to those around me - especially those that need me.

What about you? Are you willing to invest in the One that brings great joy? Ann Voskamp says, "The feeling of joy begins with the action of thankfulness."

Does the enemy know how to steal our joy and our strength or what? A daily battle, yes, but one worth fighting. There is always something to be thankful for. 

Invest time with Him + Giving thanks = JOY

"For the joy of the Lord is your strength." ~Nehemiah 8:10


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