Day 11

My devotional states that the "People Want to Follow Jesus" and I think, "How many times have I said I want to follow You but first..." In Matthew 8:21 a man tells Jesus, "Lord, first let me go and bury my father." Seems like a legit request to me? Right? But I think Jesus knew what the real reason was with this guys statement. And I think He knows my real reason for my statements. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and don't depend on your own understanding..." (Proverbs 3:5) That's part of my problem...I try to understand it all. I'm in my own way. Obedience and faith - that's what it all comes down to for me. Jesus says that your business is life, not death. Pursuing Him = life. He warns us that it won't be comfy here on earth but in heaven it will be. So today, keep turning to Him - keep pursuing the Light because He never stops coming for you...for me.


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