Day 316

Today, be thankful for the friends that stick by you. The ones that tell you like it is, accept you as who you are, love you through it all, and never leave. Those are the true friends. Grateful month!

The Gift of Friendship
...we all just need people we can turn to & be real & messy & honest & say to each other:
By His grace alone,
I offer you the gift of gritty & raw friendship:
To accept you & affirm you.
To believe in you & be there for you.
To support God's dreams for you & support your arms.
To give you the gift of knees in prayer.
To give you the gift of hands in help.
To give you the gift of heart in friendship.
I offer you the gift of being your Jonathan, your Barnabas, your Ruth, by the grace of Jesus alone.
~Ann Voskamp


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