The Closet

“But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private.  Then your Father, who sees everything, will reward you.” ~Matt. 6:6

They run in loud – one is crying – and the other is trying to explain what happened and why this one is right and that one is wrong.  I’m tired after a long day of stretching myself too thin and my patience is running equally as thin.  I say to them, calmly and slowly (with a hint of firmness in my tone) that they need to work it out on their own and that if I have to get involved – they won’t like it. It escalates…like they didn’t even hear what I said.  I can feel my pulse increase and my breathing quicken.  But today, I remember to hold my tongue - I turn and walk upstairs…go to my room…walk in my closet and shut the door.  

I’m hanging out more in my closet – it’s not a fancy closet, it’s not even that organized and it probably has too many clothes on my side - but this is where I come and get real with God.  Because in my closet is where I am not distracted with my thoughts. I come in broken and lay down my hurt…my frustrations…my anger…my worries and my thanks for knowing that I can do this with Him.  

I’m slowly learning to stop, breathe, and pray instead of jumping into the moment with anger.  I will forget though…over and over again.  

So this week, we started a new Bible Study over at Proverbs 31. It’s “Before Amen” by Max Lucado.  (it's not too late for you to sign up...go here - Max talks about how he used to be a “prayer wimp” and that he would be distracted during his prayers.  This book is teaching all of us how to pray…that it is just a conversation between you, the child, and your Father, God.  My favorite part so far is when he talks about how Jesus’ first followers asked Jesus to teach them to pray. They didn’t ask Him, “How to Vacate the Cemetery.”  Wow – they didn’t want to know how to raise the dead…but how to pray?  


Pray all the time. -1 Thessalonians 5:17

I try to communicate throughout my day with God but I find I get distracted very easily.  My phone rings, my email dings, my kids come in, the dog barks, the UPS driver comes, the timer is buzzing, and the dryer is still calling for me.  You name it…my focus is like popcorn popping - I have popcorn focus when it comes to talking to God during my day.

Max states in his book, Before Amen, that some “leaders love to make theater out of their prayers and that this nauseated Jesus.”  It nauseated Him.  Why do we make things so complicated?

Come as you are…God is always at the door…He is knocking…just come as you are.  Broken and lost.  Lay it all down and just talk to Him. 

When I go to my closet…I don’t have this popcorn focus.  I come as I am…mad and angry or scared and worried…I close the door and talk to Him. When I leave my closet…I’m lighter and more focused.  I stay calm and enter back into the moment.  I remember that this life is brief and I need all the help I can get from Him. 

As I leave and go back downstairs…there is no more fighting.  There are two kids leaning over a book together – obviously they had worked it out. I give thanks for all of this and I hear, “I love you, Mommy.”  (probably because I didn’t freak out on them earlier) 

“Thank God in everything no matter what the circumstances may be, be thankful and give thanks, for this is the will of God for you who are in Christ Jesus.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:18


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