Who Do You Want Standing in Front of Your Gate?


Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;  in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6

Recently, I read on a blog…I believe it was Lisa-Jo Baker’s blog but could be mistaken.  (If anyone out there is reading this and knows…please tell me.) Anyway…she was writing about the gate to our hearts and that we can open the gate to let fear in or keep it closed.  That we had the choice.  I loved this and it could not have come at a more perfect time for me.  You see, I was getting ready to get in a car and drive to another state all by my little self.  And I was a tad bit afraid.  Every time (and there were a lot of times) a thought of “what if ________ happens?” came to mind, I would turn my thought process around with, “NOPE…eyes on Jesus Michelle!”

I started mentally picturing this “Gate” and in front on my gate was God.  He was standing there like a bodyguard.  When fear started to creep and slither around the corner…I had a choice.  I could keep my eyes on my bodyguard or I could stare and focus on that fear rising up. And fear is a lie. *and just so you know...fear is mentioned in the Bible 365 times.  That is one verse for each day of the year.  I think He knew we'd have issues. 

"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love." 1 John 4:18

God will stay in front of my gate as long as I want Him to.  If I tell Him to move…He will.  Because He gives us choices…we choose.  He doesn’t want me to look at that fear and become consumed and worried.  He wants me to focus on Him and remember that I was made in His image and that He resides in ME.  He gave me a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.  

That picture in my head is of God standing there and as my fear moves in…if I allow it to come in…God steps aside and my gate opens.  But if my eyes stay focused on Him and His love and promises…then it’s like His Superhero power kicks it to the curb and my gate stays closed.

I traveled to Asheville, NC…all by myself…and felt good about it.  I felt somewhat at peace. Not complete peace but I felt more confidence in me the day I was leaving than I did weeks leading up to it. I knew if a “what if” came in my head…I would turned it right around with “Faith over Fear!” 


My one word for this year was TRUST.  I had no idea how much this one word would be so important to me this year…but He did.  The year started out with my Mother being re-diagnosed with breast cancer.  Trust Me Michelle.  My husband traveling more…Trust Me,  Michelle.  My children….Trust Me, Michelle.  A new role for me…Trust Me, Michelle.  New school year…Trust Me, Michelle.  My next step for my God-dream…Trust Me, Michelle.  

Every.  Single. Day.  I have to put my trust in Him and thank Him for everything.  I am training myself to see His hand in everything….everything!  I have no idea how things will work out in any situation but I can trust that He knows.  I can trust that whatever happens…somehow He will turn it out for His good. 
Surrender it all and lean in to Him…and TRUST.  Who do you want standing in front of your gate?  I know for me…I don’t want the lies from the enemy…the fear, the anxiety – or whatever it is.  I want God standing there!
AND…I’m so glad that I didn’t let my fears stop me from going to the Proverbs 31 OBS Retreat.  God had some amazing people and things there for me…He knew I needed to go. 
Let Him stand in front of your gate, keep Him there, and let Him fight for you.  Focus on The Light and not the fear…not the lie.  


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