Making the Most of Every Opportunity

A Spring morning…and it’s snowing as I type this.  A beautiful white blanket of snow.  So many people are complaining and spewing about the “nasty” of this weather but you know what…Spring will eventually come.  I read this morning on facebook that there was a child that prayed for snow for this specific day.  He prayed that it would snow today because his Daddy was coming home.  His Daddy has been deployed and is coming home today ~ and today they would finally celebrate Christmas.  A white Christmas with his Daddy.  For me…that is beautiful.  The snow falling is beautiful and a little boy gets to have a white Christmas with his Daddy.  

We take our time for granted.  We meaning me.  But our time is so precious and our children deserve our time.  We need to invest in our children because they will be grown up and moving on faster than we can believe.  

I’m the first to admit that I can be the “be right there” and “we can do that later” mom.  I’m not saying that I need to jump when my kids say jump but with the world today looking into a screen most of the day…we need to stop and look into the eyes of our kids.  Our culture today is about “likes, followers, and friends” ---we invest so much time in ways that man has invented getting approval of others.  But what we really need is to focus every day on the things that are unseen.  And when we focus our attention on the unseen…God…our heart aligns with His…therefore our actions will radiate out into our kids.  We will see our faults and our failures…reach for the Hand of Grace and in turn…pour into our kids. 

…making the most of every opportunity… ~Eph 5:16

He gives us time…but we always say that there is not enough time. 

I have a very important ministry going on…right here inside my home.  I have little feet behind me that mirror everything I do.  I need to invest more of my time…more of me…in the eternal things.  Minister these children that He has graciously given me and my husband.  To be the arrow for them…pointing them to Jesus.  Not pointing them to eyes down and into some Iphone, Ipod, Ipad…whatever “I” equipment. 

“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” ~Tolkien

I’m letting go of the daily distractions and picking up the eyes of my children.  I’m going back to what I used to know…how I used to live in the moment without all the added distractions…what I have obviously forgotten.

“Christ has set us free to live a free life.  So take your stand.  Never again let anyone put a harness of slavery on you.” ~Gal 5:1 (MSG)


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