Breaking Chains! ~~~Proverbs 31 OBS Blog Hop Day!!

This week’s topic for me from Melissa Taylors Online Bible Study is about Breaking Chains and writing a declaration of hope and freedom from this chain!  So…here goes mine!

“We all worship something….will it be the opinions of others, our fears or even our own comfort?”  Lysa TerKeurst.

Oh boy…that hit me hard because if I’m being honest…I have a slight problem with what people think of me and with people pleasing.  This “opinions of others” hits me hard especially since I have started writing on my “365 photo a day” blog. 

 I’ll be the first one to tell my kids not to worry what other people think…to only worry about what God thinks!  (Well, and what your parents might think about it!) But, to only worry about God’s opinion…and only having an audience to ONE!  The One!

“The moment you stop caring what other people think — is most likely when you start doing what God wants.”  ~Ann Voskamp

BUT…when it comes to ME, I do worry about it more than I should.  I worry about what you the reader now thinks of me opening up about my faith and Jesus.   I worry about what YOU THINK.   I know this is wrong but I did not think of it as being something I might worship!? Yuck! 

“Am I now trying to get people to think well of me? Or do I want God to think well of me? Am I trying to please people? If I were, I would not be serving Christ.”  ~Galatians 1:10

Another big ouch for me is that verse! 

Now, I say Yes to God out loud and worry about what others think?  I could continue to fall deeper into this trap or I could just keeping waking up and saying Yes to God!  I can wake up every morning and say OK God…I say yes to whatever it is today.  Daily obedience.  Daily focus with my eyes on Jesus and only worry about my audience of One!  Because that is all that matters.  His opinion.  This saying yes is not easy…but so worth the effort.

When God has a woman to work with who is willing to surrender to Him, He will move mountains and disrupt kingdoms when necessary to act on her behalf.” ~Tony Evans

Worrying about what other people think is a chain of mine and holding me captive.  I am ready to break free of this chain!  If I continue to hold on to this chain…I may stop doing what I’m doing and give up.  God wants me to stick with it!  I need to listen to His voice and not the voice of lies.

“God’s loyal love couldn’t have run out, his merciful love couldn’t have dried up. They’re created new every morning. How great your faithfulness! I’m sticking with God (I say it over and over). He’s all I’ve got left.”  ~Lamentations 3: 22-24 (The Message)

Lysa TerKeurst says, “Our flesh seeks the approval of others, is swayed by Satan’s voice of condemnation, and looks for the comfortable way out.  God’s Spirit in us opposes Satan and the world’s way and offers an unexplainable peace that transcends the circumstances around us.”

I don’t want comfy and I know that it is not going to be easy…but our purpose is to grow more like Jesus.  To imitate Jesus…and I don’t think He cares about other people’s opinions of Himself.  His eyes are always locked on His Father!

“Jesus offers only conviction not condemnation…conviction invites us to make positive changes in our lives.”  Lysa TerKeurst

God says in Romans 12:2:  “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – His good, pleasing and perfect will.”

This is my declaration of hope and freedom for this chain holding me captive:

God, you say not to conform to the patterns of this world and to not worry.  I admit that I do conform and I do worry.  You say that “Peace is the fruit of the obedient, righteous life.”  And that you give me Your peace.  You do not give as the world gives.  I want what You give.  When I focus my attention and mind on what others think I lose sight of You.  Forgive me for not keeping my eyes on You.  I need You daily in my life.  It is from this position…daily seeking…. that I have to leave my worries at Your feet.  To truly leave them there so that I don’t get caught in this place.  To trust!  You say that You are the Good Shepherd and that Your sheep listen to Your voice.  I want to listen to Your voice.  You say to remain in You and You will remain in me.  I want to remain in You.  I want my Yes to You to mean something…to stick with it and produce more fruit for You!  I ask that You remove this chain from me…this chain of caring what others think…and to only care what You think.  To do Your work that you have set before me.  I am weak but You are strong.  You must become greater!  I ask for forgiveness from this issue being a form of worship for me.  

I ask all of this in your Son’s name…Jesus’ name.  Amen!

So…I have some work to do.  I have some steps to take that mean daily seeking Him…daily obedience.  By daily seeking God I will be able to put other people’s opinions in their proper place.  To TRUST Him in all situations and to remember that God never points His finger in the direction He wants me to go where His hand has not already been. 




  1. Amen Michelle! Very good and truthful post, I pray God will bless you with that freedom!

    God bless you!
    Melissa S OBS Group Leader

    1. Thank you Melissa....and thanks for stopping by! =)

  2. Fantastic post! Why do so many of us struggle with that need for the approval of other people? I know I'm guilty of it also. (btw - your photos are gorgeous!)

  3. I just love Romans 12:2. That is were it all starts, doesn't it? Renewing our minds and breaking those chains ...

    1. YES!! Renewing our minds and breaking chains!! =)

  4. Your blog really spoke to me today...thank you!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Charlotte!!!

    2. Thank you so much for your honesty in this post. I struggle with worrying about what others think and find that I spend way too much time thinking about that instead of thinking about what God thinks of my thoughts and actions. Thank you for this very good reminder.

    3. Thank you for stopping by! =)


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