Day 31 of 31 Days of Chasing THE Light {Day 303}

Reflecting Light Well, this 31 days of chasing Him didn’t go quite as I had planned but I did look and see Him more this month. AND…that was my hope. I hope that you looked for Him more in your days this month than before and that it has become a part of who you are now. That when you start to veer off the road – you see it before old habits can move back in. I pray that you chase Him because He is always chasing you. I pray that you look for Him throughout your day and in the eyes of those speaking to you. I pray that you are the light for someone else. I pray that you are less likely to jump and more likely to pause. I pray that when you feel stress you call out to Him and de-stress. I pray that you take the time to breathe slow and remember that the sound your breath makes – is the name of God. I pray that you look up and out more and less at your phone. I pray that we all reflect His light more in this dark world. ...