Day 220

How to Change a Heart

When we hold onto bitterness and anger - we allow those feelings to take root and pretty soon our hearts become hard. When bitterness starts to choke out the good in me - my mouth starts to speak words that don't make souls stronger. 

"Where the heart is changed, the life and actions will be changed." ~Matthew Henry

I believe whatever we think of becomes the house our heart lives in. Right? Whatever we water will grow - so if all we think of is the ugly then that's what we grow inside of us. 

"When you and I focus on how we've been done wrong in the past, we lose focus on how we've been done right by Jesus."
~Derwin Gray

We are not perfect. We will fail. But God loves us and begs for us to come close to Him. He tells us it's never too late to follow Him.

Grace surrounds us and Jesus is just asking for us to lean on and trust in Him.

"Come off by yourselves; let's take a break and get a little rest." ~Jesus

So how do we change our heart? We recognize that we need Him. We thank Him for His grace and forgiveness. We sit with Him and remember that we are a child of God and we need His grace and mercy to move in us so that we can pour out love and grace and forgiveness to those around us. 

Medicine for our heart is coming close to Jesus. He will take our brokenness and pour His Light into it. We are then able to shine this light for others. This is how to change a heart. Come close to Jesus. 

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