"Don't be afraid; just believe." ~Jesus This morning I noticed how the clouds were moving and how the wind was blowing. I thought to myself, "This is going to be a beautiful day!" As I waited for my dog, I kept watching the clouds and I noticed how one big one did not move and how all the little ones were moving fast around it. All of a sudden I had an answer to my prayer. See, I'm a visual learner and He knows this...obviously. In order to get my attention - He brings me to His creation and causes me to look up. I wondered where my drive had gone...I wondered where my passion for bringing Him to others had gone. I dared to ask Him, "Did I do this or did you? Did you put out the flame?" Really, Michelle? So, I'm looking up and seeing the one big cloud staying put - and the little ones flying past. This was for me and I believe He said, "Hey Michelle. See this big one not moving - that's Me. See the little ones flying around...that...