Day 321

Someone said to me today, "You know that feeling where you feel like a failure because you haven't stayed current on it?"  

Yes, I know it all too well!! Oh and isn't that what the enemy wants us to believe? That we are failures and too far gone to dig into God's word. He wants us far away from God and he will do anything to make that happen. Don't let the lies speak louder than His truth. It's so easy for me to quit at something because I feel like I couldn't keep up or missed the opportunity - but God! God wants us to come as we are. He wants to meet us in our mess. He wants us to let go of trying to be perfect and just rest in His perfectness. When we feel like giving up He whispers, "Come here, chosen beloved." 

And we chosen? YES - look to Him!

Lean into Him and drown out the lies. 

The more we lean the less we believe the lies.

You don't have to be perfect.
You don't have to look a certain way.
You don't have to have it all.
You don't have to have that one thing before - whatever it is - before you can come to Him.

You belong.
You are accepted.
You are loved.
You are complete.

You are chosen!  


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