
Showing posts from November, 2015

Day 334

"The Lord merely spoke,      and the heavens were created. He breathed the word, and all the stars were born." ~Psalm 33:6 (NLT)

Day 333

Image means coming. Preparing to make more room for Him this Christmas and less about "stuff." Ann Voskamp has all you need for your very own, "The Night Before ADVENT" party.  Go to for more info!

Day 332


Day 331

Giving thanks for family and party mix ;)

Day 330 - Thanksgiving


Day 329

"Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." 1 Thes. 5:16-18 (KJV)

Day 328

God is present all the time and He is giving you a personal invitation to draw near. Be intentional about spending some time with Him throughout your day. He understands you more than you understand yourself. Accept His invitation and draw near. "Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you." ~James 4:8 (ESV)

Day 327

"... And He will be called      Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,      Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." ~Isaiah 9:6

Day 326

"Rest is our secret weapon and we all need just one day to step away from all the things that just won’t step away from us." ~Ann Voskamp

Day 325

"But the Lord stood by me and strengthened me..." (2 Tim. 4:17 ESV) It is so easy to be afraid. Listening to the news, scrolling through the Facebook feed - it is so easy to feel the fear and anxiety of what is happening in our world today. I have to remind myself not to conform to the pattern - I have to limit myself to the news and the hate. We have strength in Him. Today, step away from the news...get outside and away from the screens. Take more walks and breathe in the fresh air, play games with the kids, put twinkle lights up, LAUGH and LOVE. Light overcomes the darkness .  We don't stand alone in this world...He never leaves us. Turn to Him because He is LOVE. *preaching to myself*

Day 324

"I am pleased with you, MY child. Allow yourself to become fully aware of MY pleasure shining upon you. You don't have to perform well in order to receive MY Love . In fact, a performance focus will pull you away from Me, toward some sort of Pharisaism. This can be a subtle form of idolatry: worshiping your own good works. It can also be a source of deep discouragement when your works don't measure up to your expectations. Shift your focus from your performance to MY radiant Presence . The Light of My Love shines on you continually , regardless of your feelings or behavior. Your responsibility is to be receptive to this unconditional Love. Thankfulness and trust are your primary receptors. Thank Me for everything; trust in ME at all times. These simple disciplines will keep you open to My loving Presence." ~Jesus Calling, Sarah Young

Day 323


Day 322


Day 321

Thankful that God pulls me together and keeps me together. Today, when things get crazy or when it seems like the day will overtake us - let's remember that He is before all things and that in Him... He holds all things together.

Day 320

As we start off a new week...lean in.

Day 319

Pause....Rest...and Give Thanks.

Day 318

Light will OVERCOME

Day 317

It's the end of the week!  There are things that we probably want to shake off and there are things that maybe we wish we hadn't said or done. But there is good news...He is always giving us what we don't deserve. Grace - a gift. Thankful for the gift of His grace. "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus." ~Romans 3:23-24 (ESV)

Day 316

Today, be thankful for the friends that stick by you. The ones that tell you like it is, accept you as who you are, love you through it all, and never leave. Those are the true friends. Grateful month! The Gift of Friendship ...we all just need people we can turn to & be real & messy & honest & say to each other: By His grace alone, I offer you the gift of gritty & raw friendship: To accept you & affirm you. To believe in you & be there for you. To support God's dreams for you & support your arms. To give you the gift of knees in prayer. To give you the gift of hands in help. To give you the gift of heart in friendship. I offer you the gift of being your Jonathan, your Barnabas, your Ruth, by the grace of Jesus alone. ~Ann Voskamp

Day 315

Pausing to remember all those that served and serve.  THANK YOU!!   "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends." ~John 15:13

Day 314

No matter what...He has got you and He loves you. When you feel like giving up and that it's not worth it - lean into Him a little more. His love for you will absorb your fear. His grace for you will cover your mess. Jesus is always close - turn to the Light.

Day 313

It’s Monday – a new week and on the to-do list for today? *Keep Him at the center of this day. Focus. *Give thanks for the chance to serve. Gratitude. *Extend grace. Because that's what He would do. “Do you understand what I have done for you?” he asked them…”Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.” ~John 13:12,14

Day 312

Tie up the loose ends or it will create knots inside of you. Thank the people who matter in your life, thank the One who placed them in your life, and then love large today. *don't take these moments for granted...give thanks.  " On your feet now—applaud God !      Bring a gift of laughter,      sing yourselves into his presence.   Know this: God is God, and God, God .      He made us; we didn’t make him.      We’re his people, his well-tended sheep.   Enter with the password: “Thank you!”      Make yourselves at home, talking praise.      Thank him. Worship him.   For God is sheer beauty,      all-generous in love, loyal always and ever." ~Psalm 100:2-5 MSG

Day 311

While things change around us...God doesn't. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. When the uncertain things flood our minds (fear/worry) let's remember what Jesus says, “This is the work of God: that you believe [adhere to, trust in, rely on, and have faith] in the One whom He has sent.” (John 6:29 AMP) That's our work for all here. Trust and Believe that He is unchanging and He is the Great I AM.

Day 310

Give thanks to God because of who He is. Every time we call on His name and give thanks...we enter into His presence. Chase The Light.

Day 309

Today, whatever your day holds let gratitude be at the center of it. Of all the appointments, meetings, errands, laundry doing, meal making, homework helping, running the kids to their activities, and for the numerous interruptions....let gratitude sit at the center of all that makes up this day.

Day 308

We are always on the go...always busy...always rushing. Take a deep breath and start your day with Him. Open His love letter to you and let it get into your heart. Because conforming to the world drowns out His voice. Slow down and exhale - this life is His gift to you.

Day 307

When you don't know which way to go...wait for His prompting. When you're unsure of what to say - let Him teach you. When you're afraid remember that fear doesn't come from Him. He will instruct, teach, counsel and watch over you...a blanket of Truth.

Day 306

What if we believed that He will always meet our needs? What if we begin this day thanking Him for all that we already have? And what if we choose to believe today that He is bigger than our problems? He His Light.

Day 305
