
Showing posts from August, 2015

Day 242

“And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” -Luke 2:52

Day 241

"Therefore, accept each other just as Christ has accepted you so that God will be given glory."  ~Romans 15:7

Day 240

“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”   John 8:12 ~Chase The Light~

Day 239


Day 238


Day 237


Day 236


Day 235

Is your mind going a mile a minute? Do you need a mental rest? I do! Jesus says to come to Him and He will give our minds a rest.  That we should stick close to Him, learn from Him because He is gentle and humble. And if we stick close to Him...He will give us rest on the inside. Resting in Him today.

Day 234


Day 233


Day 232


Day 231

Hey so - it's not about rules and regulations - but about love and faith! Vs 1 says, "For freedom Christ has set (insert your name here) us free, stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery." What's your yoke of slavery - your bondage? Is it fear? Is it worry? Is it trying to measure up? Stand firm because our freedom is in our faith.

Day 230

Where do you put your hope? How do you renew your strength? Meet Him in the morning and allow Him to pour His Light in you so that it shines brighter and brighter every single day.

Day 229

Whatever your song of life sounds like...fall forward and count it all joy!

Day 228

Happy Monday! The start of a new week - we can do this! Let's come under His Authority. The Authority of Jesus (Matt.7:28-29) and show love to someone. A smile to a stranger, a high-five to a child, and words that build others up. Go out and make the day a little brighter for someone.

Day 227


Day 226


Day 225

We used to have fruit trees in our backyard. They were beautiful...they just stood there with their roots deep producing fruit. There was no struggle to produce the fruit. There are times when I struggle with God while He prunes and works within me. I need to not fight against Him, dig my roots down deep into His truth and allow my fruit to grow. How is your fruit?

Day 224

Deep Breath!!! When you feel like giving up – or think that what you are doing isn’t making a difference – lean on Him and press on. “And don’t be wishing you were someplace else or with someone else. Where you are right now is God’s place for you. Live and obey and love and believe right there.” ~1 Cor. 7:17 MSG

Day 223

Do you try to be perfect? Do you try to clean up real quick when you have unexpected company at your door? Why is it that we feel like we need to straighten up before we open up? Can’t we just be real? What is it really about…insecurity. Beth Moore says, “Insecurity’s best cover is perfectionism” Thankfully, we don’t need to polish ourselves up before we approach Jesus…we can come to Him messed up, bruised up and broken. “All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away.” ~John 6:37

Day 222

You know, we aren't doing this alone. This life...He is with us. His power strengthens us. In ALL things. But in order for His strength to take place - we need to surrender - because His power is made perfect in our weakness. Be present today. "For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I might show my power in you, and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.” (Romans 9:17 ESV)

Day 221

The secret? We can face anything with Him. We can do anything with Jesus. "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." Let this be on repeat today as we begin a new week.

Day 220

What are you feeding your soul? If I'm not in the Word of God daily...then I can begin to listen to the opinion of others more. Increasing the volume of others while turning down His - takes me out of the safety net that He provides. Feeding myself first thing in the morning with His Book...rather than Facebook is how I can feed my soul with truth. "The fear of a man is a snare, but the one who trusts in the Lord is protected." (Proverbs 29:25) What are you feeding your soul?

Day 219

God isn't a genie in a magic bottle. He loves to give His children His gifts - but what I think He wants most is our heart and our trust. Jesus invites Peter to step out of the boat while the storm is happening. While the storm is happening! Now, let me backtrack a second - the disciples witnessed Jesus do a huge miracle that day - feeding of the 5,000 with what the little boy had - so they know what He can do. They've walked closely with Him and have seen Jesus work! As soon as Peter takes his eyes off of Jesus - he begins to sink in the water. God is with us in the MIDST of our storm. We have His power to get through - but when our eyes are off of Him - we see our storm and begin to sink. When we sink - we cry out to Him and He saves. Our Savior, Look to Him and keep your eyes there - not on the storm.

Day 218

When you step on the legos for the 12th time. When the dirty dishes are still in the sink. When the arguing from the little's doesn't seem to stop. When you forget that the dryer still has clothes in it from yesterday. When the luggage still sits there even though it's empty. When the science projects linger in the kitchen to grow more. When the dog insists that the leaf is trying to break in the house but she will save you with her constant barking. GRACE...give grace not only to others but to YOURSELF. Today is a new day! Happy Friday!

Day 217

"Make the most of every chance you get...don't waste time" on fear, worry, grudges, bitterness. I don't know about you...but I can waste some time on being bitter, angry, or being afraid and worrying. Instead of wasting time today...lets give thanks. Gratitude will change an attitude.

Day 216

Mid week and are you tired...stressed out? Stress is toxic to our souls. It's toxic to those around us. It can spread like fire. But grace can spread too. So keep company with Him...Jesus is Peace. Let Him cover you today with His grace. Inhale His peace and exhale your stress.

Day 215

Do you let the noise of the world drown out His voice? I have and I still do. I can get so consumed with MY voice and the worlds voice that His whisper can blow right past me. I need His word in my heart at the beginning - middle - and end of the day. Sort of like "mini power meals" to keep me from being soul-starved...and to keep me from believing the lies. Surrender - that is where it begins. May we crave Him more today and less of the world.

Day 214

It's the start of a new week! Don't listen to the voice that says you can't do it. Don't let your past determine your future. Let go of your old way of thinking...release the baggage of past regrets. Embrace His grace...His forgiveness. His love never quits. He is there with you...reaching out. Take a step forward today with Him. The One that gently whispers: We will do it together.

Day 213

Anytime we put God first or do Kingdom work - it is like we are putting a bulls eye on our backs. The enemy will come and he will use the same tactics he used on Jesus. So suit up and fight back with the Word of God. Abandon the worry...the fear....and the lies. Believe, trust and abide in God.

Day 212
