Take the Hill

Take the Hill (Repost) A 10 year old girl hops on a yellow motorcycle and takes off down the road. One of her favorite things to do is to ride on this little motorcycle every single day. Riding on it gives her a sense of freedom like nothing else and frankly - it is so much fun! She rides all over the place and only comes back to fill her tank with gas. She wants to do some of the things that the other kids do on their bikes but she’s little and so is her motorcycle. The other kids have bigger motorcycles and they are much bigger kids than she is. These other kids can jump mounds of dirt hills with their bikes and she wants to jump a hill! She’s afraid so she just rides over the hill slow until one day she decides to go for it. She rides around the loop and coming out of the final turn before the jump she pulls back the throttle and gives it all she’s got. No looking back…eyes on the hill and she takes the hill! N...