
Showing posts from January, 2015

Day 30 and 31

My Baby Girl Inducted into the National Elementary Honor Society Someone loves the sun and needs a haircut

Day 29

My life verse

Day 28


Day 27

Umm...this book!  This book is so good.  Go out and get it...and be ready to highlight, underline, and take notes!  Because you will. 

Day 26

AND----We Begin!  "Keep It Shut" Study starts today!! Go to: Sign's not too late! 

Day 25

So excited for this!!  It's going to be SO GOOD!

Day 24

Happy Saturday - in All things at All times - God is able

Day 23


Day 22

I love productive days!  Treadmill this morning, Hot Yoga class this afternoon, Compel Training, then going to finish this day with my family and a ministry call. (1,000 gifts)

Day 21

I love the quiet of the snow falling - the hush that it puts on the world. The calmness it brings- this is what peace and joy feel like. This is what He brings.

How to Find the Joy in Your Day { preaching to myself }

It’s a cold cloudy morning. This is how the week starts.  The kids are off from school and I’m reminded to give thanks.   I have been struggling some this month with keeping my eyes on Him.  I know that everything is a gift and that the only way to drown out the darkness is to give thanks to Him.  Giving thanks to Him makes the light shine brighter.  It shines brighter in me and around me.  But, for whatever reason it has been easier for me to hold on to grudges and bitterness than to give thanks.  So I have to lean in more to Him and get His help. Sometimes I feel like I can do it all -that I don’t need His help.  Surely I can turn my bitterness into joy by myself.   I move through the day doing chores…laundry, cleaning, cooking, more cleaning, and doing homework. In my morning daily devotion, I read that Job loses everything he loves and his first response is to give thanks.  What?...