
Showing posts from July, 2014

Day 212


The Word as a Weapon!! (Repost)

God’s Word as a Weapon!  We have to dig into His word so that we can know it and use it like Jesus did when He was tempted.    In Hebrews 4:12 it says, “ For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. ” Alive.  Active.  Sharper than any double-edged sword!  This is God’s word!   His Word can be used as a weapon!  Jesus used God’s word to refute Satan’s temptations.  How well do I know God’s word?  I’m working on it!   “When you memorize Scripture, it’s like carrying your own oxygen tanks.”  ~Ann Voskamp   This week our memory verse is John 15:4, “Remain in me, and I will remain in you.  No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine.  Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in ...

Day 211


Day 210


Day 209


Day 208


Day 207 - Painting with my Mini

"A Smooth Sea Never Made a SKILLFUL Sailor."

Day 206


Day 205

"God knew that LOVE is to suffer so God made a  M O T H E R  He needed someone who knows that in every H A R D   P L A C E is exactly where you EXTEND GRACE Someone willing to keep loving when it makes no sense Because that's what L O V E   D O E S Someone who knows that life is not an emergency BUT A GIFT Someone who knows that umbilical cords can be cut BUT HEART STRINGS NEVER CAN so God made a  MOTHER " ~Ann Voskamp

Running on Empty --- Proverbs 31 OBS Blog Hop Day

It’s the middle of summer and I feel like I am running on empty.  Ever feel that way?  The pace of summer is supposed to relax me but these past couple of days…I feel tired and done.  Right now- I don’t believe my life is telling the story of God’s grace.  Oh, I know His grace is all around me…He gives me grace D A I L Y.  But…am I giving grace to others?  No…not really because I am empty…drained…exhausted.  In fact, I told my kids that it would be an early bedtime last night because Mommy was done...that Mommy was on empty…that I had nothing more to give and we needed to just go to bed. <Insert Mommy guilt> I need to be filled up.  I want to be filled but I keep going through the motions of my day to day activities.  Depending on my own strength is draining me and causing me to say, “I have nothing more to give!”  When really…I do.  The other day, my daughter had a trail ride and as I st...