Day 5 of 31 Days of Chasing THE Light

Controlling Light

“We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.
~Proverbs 16:9

Confession: I’m a mess – I’m a control freak.  I try to control my life and my children’s lives. How do I let go of being a control freak when I have these little lives to worry about? How do I trust and let go – to let God be in control without the fear and anxiety that I typically have? I am all tangled up in this life and to let go and let God? That is a hard thing to do. So hard…especially when my constant default is to worry and to control. 

In everything give thanks. This is what Jesus says to do. When I look at Jesus’ life, He wasn’t running around making people follow Him.  He didn’t demand anyone to choose Him. He wasn’t controlling everyone and He wasn’t afraid and anxious before His crucifixion. He takes the bread and gives thanks. He takes time to have quiet time with God. He gets away from it all and sits with His Father to focus. He listens and trusts Him. He responds to people with love, patience, grace and kindness.

Can I trust God to transform everything – the mess of me – into something good? YES! 
Can I allow His light to be the one that is in control? Yes!  


In this life, there is darkness but there are lighter moments if I stop trying to control it all and let go and take a look. God brings light into the moments of our day. Those moments may be a neighbor stopping by, the kids not fighting, your husband surprising you with dinner made, a phone call from a friend, or the quiet moments of a sunrise/sunset. He brings the Light...we just need to stop controlling everything and take a look.


Truth is, I’m not in control. When I try to control everything…it’s going to be a hard road. We are given a choice to follow God and in order to change from control freak to letting go and trusting – I have to submit and choose Jesus first. Change does not happen quickly and it can get messy before it gets better...right? But we know that “God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.” Romans 8:28

“Sometimes, you have to be in the fire to see Jesus.”
~Pastor White

Today, when you feel like taking control...pause...and ask Him to take the reins.  He is more than capable of handling our day and chances are - in His strength we will make it. Chase after His Light today...not yours. 



  1. Great job my friend. I love that little heart picture. Love your heart too.


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