Day 30 of 31 Days of Chasing THE Light

Golden Light

“Out of the north he comes in golden splendor;
    God comes in awesome majesty.” ~Job 37:22 (NIV)

When was the last time you were awed? For me, it was yesterday to a magnificent sunrise. I saw it…His blessings…grace right there in the midst of my mess. He woos me with His light. I don’t want to miss it so I have to choose to set my mind on things above and not things below. I have to look with eyes intent on seeing His blessings.

Golden light…this light is sensational and photographers love it.  It’s soft and warm, dimensional and magical – and it comes twice a day. This light comes an hour after sunrise and an hour before sunset.  It bookends the day. He bookends our day like a warm hug. He’s letting us know that He is always there and that He will faithfully finish what He has begun.

God knew exactly what He was doing when He made the sunrise and set each day. Both of these events can stop people in their tracks with His magnificent work…to stop and breathe it in.  He comes in golden splendor…in awesome majesty. 
“The heavens declare the glory of God;
    the skies proclaim the work of his hands.”
~Psalm 19 (NIV)

As a photographer….or someone like me who just loves to take pictures….I can’t stop seeing a picture throughout my day…my eyes are always paying attention to the light.  I have been known to pull off on the side of the road to get a picture. The trick is to stop what I’m doing to pay attention to Him throughout my day.  I’m not always good at that. But He comes in golden splendor to get my attention…and He comes in my children…my husband…my family and my friends.

When was the last time you were awed? Today, let’s pay attention to the Light. Let’s reach up to the Light of the world and choose to set our minds on things above. Let’s look with eyes intent on seeing His blessings…right in the midst of our mess, because He is always good and always there in His golden splendor.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. ~John 1:5 (NIV)



  1. Beautiful! That golden light often catches my attention too. For me it usually clouds or feathers that make me stop and see Him. I love how nature points to God.


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