Brave Light
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and
courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you
wherever you go.” ~Joshua 1:9 NIV
I didn’t use to be brave and sometimes I feel like I’m
not brave at all. I mean I’m not going to jump out of any planes anytime
soon…but stepping out of my comfort zone is being brave. For me it is anyway
because I like it comfy and cozy – so stepping out of the boat and keeping my
eyes on Him is bravery.
When we step out of the boat for God – it’s like we
automatically have a target on our backs for the enemy. But at the same time…no matter if the enemy
is locked on us, God has said, I will be with you wherever you go.
Kingdom work can be hard at
times so it is important to trust, have faith and be brave. The enemy will come
and he will use the same tactics he used on Jesus. The same tactics…he has no
other ways. We need to suit up and fight back with the Word of God. Ephesians 6
talks about putting on the Armor of God. We need to suit up and stand firm. Abandon
the worry...the fear....and the lies and believe, trust and abide in the one
who goes before us…with us…and behind us.
Understand though, the enemy
is clever and we need to recognize evil.
We need to know without question who is trying to speak to us.
no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light”
~2 Corinthians 11:14
~2 Corinthians 11:14
That is a scary verse to me because I am
chasing Him hard. Chasing The Light. So I need to be prepared…to know Him and
Him alone…to recognize the enemy and his disguises.
So today, whatever brave looks like for
you…let it be with Him. The One who is good and loving. Let’s dig in to His
truths, suit up for battle, fight back with the Word of God, and remember that
He goes before us, with us and behind us helping us to shine our brave light
alongside His.
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