Day 2 of 31 Days of Chasing THE Light

First Light

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”

~Psalm 119-105

It’s dark…early in the morning and the sun hasn’t come up yet. This is my favorite time…this is MY time.  I push the brew button and wait for my coffee…that takes less than a minute. I reach for my phone…I have email to check on two accounts. I have FB messages and posts to check – as well as my Bible study group to check in with. Oh, and my Instagram account is begging for me to come over too. So many distractions, that I don’t even hear the most important message that is trying to grab my attention. 

Is this really how I want to start my morning? This popcorn focus?

I’ve recently started changing things up a bit.  I’ve started to sit at my kitchen table because if I sit at my desk, I get distracted really easy. So, I sit at my kitchen table with my Bible, fancy pen and notebook.  I open the blinds so that I can see the first hint of light.

Word in.

Then I hear my phone beep and I glance over at it.  Then another beep and a buzz…the world is waking up.  

These distractions are like popcorn popping.  I’m here, then there, then back over here and back over there.  All the while – God sits patiently waiting for me to bring my focus back to Him. Grace.

If I step back from the blings and buzzes of the world and put my focus on Him as I am waking up…then my day will start with His strength. Because I have no idea what my day holds…but He does.
Today, let's go slow and open His message first. Let's savor the sweetness of the quiet light and allow Him to speak to us.  He has something to say and He is waiting patiently. Let's allow His piercing Light to be the First Light we chase this morning. 



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