Day 19 of 31 Days of Chasing THE Light
Forward Light
“But one thing I do: forgetting what
lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I
press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ
Jesus.” ~Phil. 3:13-14 ESV
I don’t know about you but I can live in
the past sometimes. I can start to define who I am by my past mistakes. But I
don’t want to live in the past. I want to move forward because I am not defined
by my past. He doesn’t see me as a failure – even if I feel like I am. But, we
are all failures if we are honest.
This social media world we live in today
can make me feel like a big failure.
Especially if I start to compare myself with everyone’s “highlighted
reel.” Steven Furtick says, “The reason we struggle with insecurity is because
we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel.”
I didn’t finish college. I dropped out
after my 2nd year. Fear, for the most part, is why I didn’t finish.
I let fear overtake me and thought that I couldn’t handle it. I got in with the
wrong crowd and was a scared teenager. So, I dropped out because I didn’t think
I could recover from my mistakes and went home…where I felt safe.
I could focus on dropping out and think
of myself as a failure or I could focus on the fact that by leaving college it
led me to Blacksburg, Va – to my husband. It led me to nursing school. It led
me to having two beautiful children. To truly finding Jesus. To my
photography/blog. To being thankful and
grateful for everything in my life today. That is falling forward.
Focusing on what I don’t like about my
past or my mistakes means I am lost. Lost in the present and stuck in the past.
It means I have taken my eyes off of Jesus and turned around. Sure, we can
learn from our past…but to stay there does nobody any good. God doesn’t remind
us of our mistakes so why do we? I must choose to look at myself through the
lens of Jesus. I must choose to lean into Him and focus on how He sees me.
Sometimes we have to go through the fire
to get to the joy.
When I start to forget who I am and
whose I am – I remember that in Christ, I am:
*God’s Masterpiece (Eph. 2:10)
* Forgiven (Eph. 1:7)
*A new creature (2 Cor. 5:17)
* Strong in the Lord (Eph. 6:10)
*Accepted in Christ (Eph. 1:6)
* Loved with an everlasting love (Jer. 31:3)
* Overtaken with blessings (Deut. 28:2)
*God’s Masterpiece (Eph. 2:10)
* Forgiven (Eph. 1:7)
*A new creature (2 Cor. 5:17)
* Strong in the Lord (Eph. 6:10)
*Accepted in Christ (Eph. 1:6)
* Loved with an everlasting love (Jer. 31:3)
* Overtaken with blessings (Deut. 28:2)
Today, when we are tempted to look
back…root down into His promises so that we can rise up to His grace. Let’s
move forward shinning our light knowing whose we are.
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