Limitless Light
“Love knows no limit
to its endurance, no end to its trust, no fading of its hope; it can outlast
anything. It is, in fact, the one thing that still stands when all else has
Limits….I never liked limits on me as a child. But now that I am a parent – I think about
how good they are. I think about when my children were babies and all that I
did to protect their little space around them. Then they would begin to crawl
and more limits were placed. Once they
began walking – I placed even more limits. Now as they are getting older, the
limits change but there is still limits that have to be set.
This week's blog topic from Proverbs 31 OBS is on “Worry”… AND I know a thing or two about worry. I’m betting a lot of you reading this do as well. defines worry as: “ to torment oneself with or suffer from disturbing thoughts; fret. ” Torment oneself. Suffer. Fret. That’s what I can do to myself sometimes. I’ve heard that if you worry you don’t really trust that God can handle it. You don’t trust God with it. That’s hard to swallow for me. Because I worry about my kids, my family, me, friends, etc. But I’m in the Bible every single day. I am a Jesus girl. So for me to worry and then see that my worry means I don’t trust that God can handle it is hard. UGH. I am getting better about it though. My time with God every morning is helping. When I start to worry about something…I begin to pray. I stop the tormenting in it...
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