Day 18 of 31 Days of Chasing THE Light

Limitless Light

“Love knows no limit to its endurance, no end to its trust, no fading of its hope; it can outlast anything. It is, in fact, the one thing that still stands when all else has fallen.
1 Corinthians 13:7-10


Limits….I never liked limits on me as a child.  But now that I am a parent – I think about how good they are. I think about when my children were babies and all that I did to protect their little space around them. Then they would begin to crawl and more limits were placed.  Once they began walking – I placed even more limits. Now as they are getting older, the limits change but there is still limits that have to be set. 

I need to set limits on myself as well because sometimes I do things that aren’t good for me. Sometimes I spend too much time on social media and feel less than, sometimes I eat too much or talk too much and feel guilt.  Sometimes, I believe the lies that I say to myself, “You aren’t good enough.” 

But thank God we live in a world where we can receive an abundance of endless limitations through Him.

With God there is always more than enough strength, more than enough grace and more than enough love - that we can never run out. 

If God is without limits – how can I live a limitless life and shine His light?

First, I can drop the negative labels that I have on me. They are not what define me but sometimes I think they do. No, only He defines me. I have to seek Him daily, live within His will for me and TRUST that He will use everything for His glory. I have to align my decisions – my choices – my actions – inside His boundaries. If I do this then I will stay on the right path.

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.” ~Eph. 2:10

Gratitude is another way to live a limitless life. Being thankful invites us into God’s generosity and softens my heart. By giving thanks we are made whole again.

So today, let’s try to stay within our God-limits by aligning our thoughts with His, our actions with His, and our hearts with His heart. Rely on His limitless strength when it gets hard today. And then stop to thank Him for it all.  By doing so…our light will shine on.


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