Day 15 of 31 Days of Chasing THE Light AND a Giveaway!!!

Inviting Light

“But the basic reality of God is plain enough. Open your eyes and there it is! By taking a long and thoughtful look at what God has created, people have always been able to see what their eyes as such can’t see…the mystery of His divine being.”
~Romans 1:19-20 (MSG)

Fall, it is my most favorite season. I absolutely love everything about Fall.  The weather is cooler, I can wear boots again, pumpkin everything comes out, the smell of the air, and the magnificent colors God puts in front of us.

I think about how much I love to see it here – this side of Heaven – I can only imagine how much more beautiful it will be there.

His love for us burns so strong that we can see His beauty inviting us in daily through His creation. We just need to slow down to see.

I’ve missed it…I’ve been so busy that I just rush right past all the beauty. I rush right past all those invitations that He puts in front of me. I wonder why I feel lost sometimes. I can be so “busy” with errands, laundry, volunteering, driving kids everywhere, making meals and doing dishes – that I miss Him in the middle of it all.  Then all of a sudden – I can stop right in my tracks to the fire in the sky of a sunset. His arms stretched out saying, “STOP and look!” See ME in it all! See Me in the to-do list. See Me in the meals broken for you. See Me in the eyes of your children…the gifts.”

The invitations never stop coming. We can choose to accept the invitation daily or we can choose to ignore it and leave it unopened – pushing through on our own. We can push and push with our own strength…but eventually we will be so tired that we will wonder why we even do anything.

Jesus’ invitation to follow Him, like His invitations to all the disciples, involves a lot more than joining the caravan; Jesus’ invitation is for sinners to change their ways of life. Jesus makes it clear, despite the criticisms of some observers, that this invitation is indeed open to all—especially to the sinners who need it most. Jesus grants to those who choose Him not just companionship and forgiveness but the ability to truly receive a new identity and live a new life. (Mark 2:15 The Voice)

Jesus is inviting us into this day…this moment…with Him. Pull back the curtains of your eyes and see His invitation. Fall is beautiful because of the amazing colors we see from The Creator. The leaves change colors because they are dying. There is beauty in change. When we die to our old ways – and accept His invitation to come to Him – there is beauty in that. 

Today, the invitation is being handed to you.  Will you take it? Will you slow down and accept the gift He is so desperately trying to give you? Open it – let The Light 
cover you. is celebrating all of the amazing Write 31 Days readers who are supporting nearly 2,000 writers this October! To enter to win a $500 DaySpring shopping spree, just click on & follow the giveaway widget instructions. Good luck, and thanks for reading!



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