Day 1 of 31 Days of Chasing THE Light

Chasing Light

“…the Lord has sought out a man after his own heart…”
~1 Samuel 13:14 (NIV)

Have you ever been so busy that the day has flown by and you wonder, “Have I gone to the bathroom at all today?” Yeah, that’s me.  I’ve been running from errand to errand, from this school to that school, from my Bible Study at church to the kids after school activities. I’m so busy that I can’t even remember if I went to the bathroom!? What? I feel like it will never slow down and this school year has just begun. But all the while…He pursues me. He chases after me while I’m running.

“Your beauty and love chase after me…”
~Psalm 23:6 (MSG)

I’m studying David right now and I’m fascinated with him.  David’s deep love and trust for God amaze me. David’s life is a mess. So is mine. David is broken. So am I. But, David has a heart like God’s. I don’t. I want that though…so what do I need to do? 

Surrender. I need to surrender to Him and sometimes that kinda scares me. Because, I like to be in control of things and I like to keep things nice and cozy. And surrendering doesn’t sound like I’ll be in control or nice and cozy. But, I want a heart like His. I want His chasing after me to be what I do to Him. I want to pay attention to Him.  I want to chase Him.

It’s a daily fight to have a heart like His…but one worth having. So I chase Him. I chase His love and His beauty.  I chase The Light. I chase the early morning light, the kids fighting light, the chaos light, the mundane light, and the end of the day light…because His Light always leaves a trail.  

Will you join me?

Today - on Day 1, let’s practice having a heart like David’s – a heart after His own heart. Notice His chasing you and let Him pour His grace, love and beauty into you. The more we begin to let His light move through us…the more we will crave to chase Him. The more we chase after Him, the more we will imitate His Son.  So chase. Chase! CHASE!

Day 1 of 31 Days of Chasing THE Light


  1. I like this very much. Thank you for sharing the MSG version of Psalm 23:6. So beautiful!


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