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Through My Lens


This week is the last week for the Made to Crave Action Plan (by Lysa TerKeurst and Dr. Ski Chilton) Bible Study with Proverbs 31.  Next week we begin Living So Wendy Blight.  This will be an exciting study so please check out for more info!

The photo theme is about "Bridging the Gap" - "Joy Marker" - and "God is Love." 

I am combining them all with my photos because I could not choose just one.  :)

Joy!  Seeing things through the eyes of my children has helped me to really see my day.  Instead of seeing the to do lists, the unread emails, the never ending laundry, the piles of dishes in the sink...I have to stop and remind myself what is important right now.  I can get to those other things but I don't want to miss out on the JOY that my children bring.  Blowing glitter, chasing butterflies and watching my children in the moment brings me great joy!

"He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with
shouts of joy." ~Job 8:21

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.  Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."
James 1:2-4

"Perseverance bridges the gap between the trial and the blessing of becoming mature and complete, not lacking anything." 
~Lysa TerKeurst 

God is Love....When we stop and look around we will see all the signs that He is using to point us where we need to go.  I snapped this picture with my phone before heading out the door.  Instead of asking why aren't your shoes on and why aren't you ready to go?
....I came around the corner and saw the shadows they were making and smiling at...I stopped and grabbed what I had to snap a shot of it.  Reminders are everywhere to stop and breathe it all in.  God is Love and we can love because He first loved us. 
(1 John 4:19)

Sweet & Sour 365 is on Facebook


  1. Oh my!! What a beautiful display of life moments and God's Word. I love how you couldn't pick just one topic and chose to display them all. You are so right, God is Love and we just need to take those moments to see that beauty if all around us!! Have a blessed day and thanks very much for sharing :)

    Trish (P31 OBS Blog Hop Team)

  2. Breathtaking blog post today...what a uplifter! Mary from Group 31

  3. Wow I'm a visual person and your blog is awesome. Thank you.
    Irma (Group 39)

  4. Gorgeous post as always, Michelle!! Thank you so much!!

    1. Thank you Miriam! Looking forward to Living So That...will you be doing it as well?? :)


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