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OBEDIENCE....Proverbs 31 OBS Blog Hop ( Day 37 )

I’m defined by God…and God alone.  No one else and nothing else can define me.  Not numbers on a scale, not compliments from people, not negative remarks, not numbers on social media…only God.  If I focus on anything other than what God thinks of me then my focus is not on God.  My focus is on ME. 

When I begin to make this all about me - I need to align myself with God.  In Phil. 4:8 it says, Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy— think about such things.” So, if what I’m thinking about does not line up with this…then those thoughts need to go.  I can drown in the negative or I can focus on the positive…Jesus.

Focus on Jesus and STAY ABOVE THE WAVES! 

“We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ” ~ 2 Cor. 10:5

Our verse this week in P31 OBS is “I will give you treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel who summons you by name.” ~Isa. 45:3  And in her book, Made to Crave, Lysa TerKeurst breaks down this verse on how God was talking to her…and I feel like God is saying the same to me, “Hey Michelle…I know your name.  Now, rest in the security of My name and all that it means to your identity.”  That is some peace right there.  

Obedience is to continue to keep my eyes on Jesus and His truths about me…so that, I am able to move forward in the path He is asking me to go in. When I make it about me…those waves come crashing in and bring me down.  I can’t move forward when I’m being knocked down by my own stinkin’ thinkin’!  I need to take captive every thought and breathe.  I need to “make space in the pace for peace.”  ~Ann Voskamp 

And Peace is a person.

“Nothing tastes as good as peace feels.”  ~Lysa TerKeurst  

I taste that peace right now.  I am beginning to feel free of the addiction I had.  I’m beginning to feel free of not caring what others think of me.  I am beginning to stop being a people pleaser. I am beginning to feel free of the things that were becoming an idol for me.  I am living for Jesus and His peace feels good!  Yes, Peace is a person and all He wants is my heart and obedience.  


  1. I really enjoyed your thoughts today. And your photos as well!! God bless you.

  2. Thank you for sharing your thoughts! The photos are such a nice way to help express your feelings and convey your emotions. I reallly enjoyed it all.

  3. My name is Sara and I am the small group leader of group 43. I absolutely loved your blog!! All of the pictures made it so much fun to read :)

  4. Michelle - another great post. I REALLY enjoyed the pictures this time - especially the one for this week's M2C bible verse. has to be LESS of us and MORE of Him. God bless! ~ Miriam of

    1. Thank you Miriam! Yes...less of us and more of Him. I somehow turn that around a lot! =)

  5. Thanks Daphne for stopping by. =)

  6. I loved the knitting graphic! It goes so well with that verse! I really puts the image of God knitting us into the person He desires us to be. Each one of us is useful and has a purpose just like a blanket, scarf, hood, mittens, and such :)

    1. Thank you Vivian...I thought the same thing. =)


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